how to get a zorua without celebi

how to get a zorua without celebi
Pokemon Black and White:How to get ZORUA. How To Get A -
How To Get A -
This video was for HG/SS, D/P/Pto see how to get them on Black/White please click the BIG ORANGE SQUARE! Sorry, this offer lasted only Feb 21st - March
Pokemon White AR Codes Zorua

I spent about thirty minutes or so trying to find out how to do this. Getting Zorua isn't very difficult. I'm writing this up so people won't swamp
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How to get FREE Legendary CELEBI, ZORUA,.
I'm trying to get Zorua.. But it's freaking impossible for me to trigger the event. :/ Anyone can help me? I've been using Pokesav for 2 days but still to no avail.
Steps: 1.sub to me:) 2.have a zoroark 3. have a ditto 4. put them in the daycare 5.wait tell they tell u that u got a egg 6. run around the region waiting
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For Pokemon White Version on the DS, a GameFAQs Answers question titled "How do I transfer celebi to my black/white game to get the zorua event?".
How To Get A -
how to get a zorua without celebi
How do I transfer celebi to my. Pokemon Black and White:How to get ZORUA. Pokemon Black and White:How to get ZORUA.
How do I transfer celebi to my.